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Malaysia confirms 6 new COVID-19 cases, bringing total to 99

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia on Sunday noon (Mar 8) reported six new cases of COVID-19. 

This brings the total number of novel coronavirus cases in the country to 99, said Malaysia’s health director-general Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said in a statement.

READ: Malaysia confirms 10 new COVID-19 cases, all close contacts of a previous case

All the cases have been isolated for further treatment, he said, adding that close contact tracking activity is being conducted until the cause of the infection can be identified.

All of the new cases reported on Sunday comprised of close contacts of the cluster linked to the 26th case, he added. 

The ministry previously said that Case 26, a 52-year-old man, visited Shanghai in mid-January.  He had a fever and sore throat on Feb 27 and received outpatient treatment at a private hospital on the same day. He later tested positive on Feb 29 and was warded at Sungai Buloh Hospital. 

He has been identified as a director of UDA Holdings, a government-linked company, and a senior member in the leadership of sovereign wealth fund Khazanah Nasional.

Explore: Real-time interactive map of all the confirmed cases reported around the world

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