July 25, 2024


Savvy business masters

These Are the Misconceptions Minorities Have About Personal Finance

TheStreet sat down with Lauren Simmons, the youngest-ever female trader on the New York Stock Exchange to discuss misconceptions about finance that minorities should avoid.

“I think finance has got this facade that it’s not inclusive,” says Simmons, “and it can be and it’s a lot easier than people think it is.”

Simmons, 26, who left Wall Street to pursue the world of entrepreneurship, has been working as a speaker on personal finance for women, young people, and minorities.

“…Finance is easy once you learn the basics,” says Simmons, while talking to TheStreet on the occasion of Black History Month, “and to be able to have that little conversation and for them to see that it’s not just an all-White Boys Club that many multifaceted people are part of that industry is so rewarding.”